Toyota Yaris Sedan | 2006 standard All of Toyota’s big ideas in one small car A collaborative project with the world famous 3D firm Zeitguised Studio.Lighting&Rendering setup of 4 different shots featuring the new Toyota Yaris Sedan, for Toyota Australia. Final animation created by Zeitguised Studio. MAXON CINEMA 4D has been used from start to the end. Project Description   References Collection 3D Modeling refinements Camera Calibration Shading Lighting & Rendering Post ...

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Marmite Lovers | 2005 standard   Marmite Lovers ad for the British television. A collaborative project with the world famous 3D firm 3DFluff.3D modeling of a cupid to be animated in a British tv spot for Marmite Lovers. Final animation created by 3D Fluff. MAXON CINEMA 4D has been used from start to the end. Project Description   References Collection 3D Modeling T-pose Setup UV ...

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